Gesponnen und gefüllt ein gebrauchtes kondom fand ich mit meiner schmutzigen chem pisse! Ich wurde für 2 tage gesponnen und meine pisse ist sehr schmutzig
3,865 78%
I found a used condom in a booth at a adult store and I drank all of the tasty stranger cum and when I grabbed it and put it in my mouth the guy that filled it up walked by and saw me loving his thick and tasty cum! I was willing to let him use my ass but he was gone before I could drop to my knees. So I put it on my spun dirty cock and I used a hair tie to tie up my cock with the dirty used condom on and then I drove an hour to my place. When I got home I got naked and I didn't touch my cock, I got one of my favorite toys and I shoved it all the way up my dirty and very tasty asshole and I didn't use any lube either lol I just pounded it hard and fast until I made myself piss in the condom and then I left it on so my cock would soak in my very dirty chem piss! I'm a very dirty spun fag and I love to get very spun and play with myself and I love to get nasty and dirty! I will be a toilet for any guy and literally will let every cock in me and I will put my tongue in any guy asshole 😛
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