Sept 7 2023 - VacPackt in meinem hiviz PVC-regenlack, brusttausch und hiviz lifevest mit einigen meiner lebensvestten
825 100%
What a lovely session this was, I was able to have enough runs to be more than satisfied. The sensations were very relaxing at first. My hiviz lifevest smells and feels lovely. Might end up sleeping with my head in that greasy oily smelling vest! In the video I mention 4 runs. I constantly say "I don't keep track of runs or the poll options because breathing is most important" and once again this proves it because there were 6 runs. I managed to get all the poll options right, twice xD. I can't have all of it right I guess, one or the other haha. I managed to make it 3 minutes 40 seconds on the first run and the more lifejackets get added the tighter and shorter the runs get. I look forward to having more play time in my lifevests, have many more to get involved. Me vs a sack full of lifevests, I'm pretty sure who will win, warm smelly crushing vests hehe. Runs 5 & 6 I hit a finale on each, managed to do two finales today :D
Hallo. Also heute werde ich es sein, plus mein Hi-Viz-Regat, meine Hi-Viz- Schwimmweste,
Ich bringe das mal rein. Meine schweren Handschuhe. Könnte diese zwei Rettungswesten einbringen,
Je matschiger, geschwollener, desto besser. Ich habe meine Gummistiefel hier.
Also ja, sollte eine lustige, interessante Sitzung sein. Ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher, ob ich das Finale schaffe.
Denn ich werde nicht lügen, aber ich habe heute viel onaniert. Und ich bin in dieser Art entspannter Stimmung,