Alex Angel







Über mich: The Official Artist Channel for Alex Angel. Alex Angel (also known as BLACK ANGELS) is a Ukrainian music artist, rock band and record label since December 21, 2001, founder of music genres: "Sex Rock", "Sex Pop", "Sex Metal" and romantic music "Kissing Show", awarded with the Silver Play Button by YouTube. Alex Angel took part in famous Ukrainian TV shows such as The X-Factor, So You Think You Can Dance, Ukraine's Got Talent, Ukraine's National Selection for the Eurovision Song Contest etc. Discography: Rocking Like in USA (LP / 2004) Rocking Blues for You (EP / 2005) Black Angels (LP / 2006) Welcome to the Black (LP / 2007) Rock of 80's (LP / 2009) Life Is Sport (LP / 2017) Sex Rock (LP / 2018) Sex Pop (LP / 2019) Kill the Music (Acapella) (LP / 2020) Sex Metal (LP / 2021) Metal Star (LP / 2022) Champions of the World (LP / 2022) Planet: SOS! (LP / 2022)

Über mich

The Official Artist Channel for Alex Angel.

Alex Angel (also known as BLACK ANGELS) is a Ukrainian music artist, rock band and record label since December 21, 2001, founder of music genres: "Sex Rock", "Sex Pop", "Sex Metal" and romantic music "Kissing Show", awarded with the Silver Play Button by YouTube.

Alex Angel took part in famous Ukrainian TV shows such as The X-Factor, So You Think You Can Dance, Ukraine's Got Talent, Ukraine's National Selection for the Eurovision Song Contest etc.

Rocking Like in USA (LP / 2004)
Rocking Blues for You (EP / 2005)
Black Angels (LP / 2006)
Welcome to the Black (LP / 2007)
Rock of 80's (LP / 2009)
Life Is Sport (LP / 2017)
Sex Rock (LP / 2018)
Sex Pop (LP / 2019)
Kill the Music (Acapella) (LP / 2020)
Sex Metal (LP / 2021)
Metal Star (LP / 2022)
Champions of the World (LP / 2022)
Planet: SOS! (LP / 2022)
Zum Profil

Alex Angel Personal information

  • Ich bin:
  • Aus:
    kyiv, Ukraine
  • Sprachen:

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