Zeit, deiner göttin zu gehorchen und zu tun, was dir gesagt wird, was mit dir auf den Knien beginnt, um deine zunge an diesen absätzen zu benutzen
7,524 97%
Paige is dressed in a stunning outfit and looks gorgeous. You are her slave, and she wants you to be very grateful that you are in the same room as her. Paige wants you to worship her boots and work your way up. To be Paige's slave, you must impress her and go above and beyond what she wants. Right now, you are nothing to Paige. You are replaceable. So this is your chance to impress your goddess! Get on your knees and clean the bottom of your goddess's heels with your tongue. Do a good job, and you'll be able to work your way up.
Sehe ich nicht fantastisch aus?
Sieh mich an, absolut unwiderstehlich.
Perfekte, dicke Göttin
Ich werde mir eine Minute nehmen, nur um zu sehen, wie verdammt perfekt ich aussehe.
Dicker, saftiger Arsch, straffe Taille