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Betz has most likely forgotten your anniversary! After just a few months together, you and gorgeous European brunette Betz Sinn are already so much in love that you rejoice each time you reach a new month milestone. She's forgotten now, of course, but you remembered. She wants to scrabble up a last-minute plan because she feels awful, but you've already taken care of it. But at this point, she doesn't really need to know that, does she? It's time for your amazing girlfriend to come up with a last-minute surprise for you. She will give you the impression that it is all of your holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, and Easters combined.
Ich habe nur auf etwas gewartet, das hinter der Tür steht.
Ich habe nur auf ein paar Dinge gewartet und darauf, dass ein Mädchen mit der Post kommt und ich habe das hier gefunden.
Es war hinter der Tür.
Dass es etwas bedeutet War es für mich?
Ja, okay.