New version of xHamster is here!

Hey guys and girls!

The new version of xHamster is officially launched! Which means a BIG changes! Are you ready for them? We hope so!

Here is a complete list of all new features in updated xHamster:

1. New design. That's probably the most impressive part. And it's definately better one time to see than hundred times to hear.

New version of xHamster is here!

2. Ads in movie player on pause can be removed with just one click. So from now you're able to enjoy the paused moment.

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3. Slideshow on picture galleries was completely renewed.

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4. Personal Messaging system was highly improved.

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5. Every personal message can be removed from your mailbox now.

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6. Advanced search feature is now available near search bar for videos.

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Here you can choose based on your own sexual preferences what kind of content is interested for you and Save this settings for all future searches.

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7. With a new dropdown menu you can get into every part of xHamter from any location.

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8. Comments of verified users are having a special layout now.

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9. Random video feature is finally made! This is a special gift to those who asked for it.

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10. Promoted videos can be refreshed now.

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11. When some PRO model is on cam doing a live show you will see a special notice near cam icon on their profile.

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12. Several old bugs were fixed. But if you'll find a new ones please feel free to report.

Please don't hesitate to share your impressions in comments!

UPDATE 3/11/2013

Friends, we fixed My Online Friends feature and several other small bugs. If you will notice more please report!

One very important thing - we changed an avatar's (main photo's) format, the default size now is 150 x 150 px. So we highly recommend you to update your old avatars to get the best look!

UPDATE 4/3/2013

Friends, seems like some of you are having difficulties with navigation on a new version. So here are some hints for you.

1. To add a video into your Favorites please click on a heart icon under the movie player.

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2. Your Favorites are available now via top drop down menu.

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3. Recommended Videos can be found under Video tab on the main menu.

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4. Now you can sort your search results by Relevance, Date Added, View Count and Rating as before. This option is available via Advanced search tool. We forgot to add it before, sorry about that.

New version of xHamster is here! 16
Veröffentlicht von xHamster
vor 12 Jahren
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JohnSGP vor 1 Jahr
Many videos are marked "not available in your country". Almost half the site has become invisible for the Netherlands.
hinduboy vor 1 Jahr
"not available in your country"  in the netherlands, WHY?
unicronbot vor 1 Jahr
Dis New version of Xhamster is the end of de best XXX site on the web.
landmanj vor 1 Jahr
Sick and tired of "not available in your country". I'm going elsewhere
Angelus1961 vor 3 Jahren
It sucks ass through a goddamned soda-straw.
What are you numbnuts doing? All the photo galleries point to shit that no longer exist.
All the DECENT amateur content is flat out GONE.'re a bunch of fucking fags.
No offense to fags. 
Rochblue vor 5 Tagen
an Rochblue : Self-update: So returning back here again the next day and the site has returned back to it's old format, like the so-called "BIG update" has never happened. THANK YOU! Like magic, profiles and descriptions are all restored, blog posts are restored, normal-sized video screens and screen options are restored, PM/messaging center format is restored and so on. I can only hope that there were some firings, demotions and reprimands along the way, for such foolishness! Like the old adage says: "if it ain't broke, don't fix it!".
Of all of the endless issues on site, I find it rather fascinating that the company would invest all of it's personnel, resources, time, effort and thought plans on the most irrelevant and meaningless "BIG updates", which literally no member wants, cares about or wants tampered with! Instead, all of the REAL issues are turned a blind eye to! Real issues, problems, frustrations and things that we want handled, never get addressed! Here's a few off hand...
1 .) Tackle your members' behavioral and interaction issues! Women are sick and tired of men who are rude, vulgar, not reading profiles, irrelevantly contacting us, acting like complete idiots, wasting our time/effort in games/nonsense. Get some real support/moderators! Upon people attempting to send a PM to someone, allow a pop-up to come on screen as an acknowledgement that you have read their profile and understand why they're contacting someone. Back it up with a "three strike and you're out" policy!
2 .) Put a freaking draft feature on your site for comments, PM's, blogs, etc... . There's nothing worse than taking 10-20 minutes to compose messages, blogs, comments or otherwise and then to have it all lost if it doesn't push through with the sned button. Geez, this isn't 1996 anymore. Step it up if you actually propose "BIG updates".
3 .) I'm sick of taking time/effort/thought to compose messages and send them off...only to be rejected with your silly word-filtering/censoring and my messages not getting sent because I've used some unknown prohibited word(s). Yet there is no such mention of what these prohibited word(s) actually are anywhere at all on your site. Even when talking in ordinary, basic and respectful language, these "unknown prohibited words" are chaotic to tiptoe around. For God's sake, make a list of what words are freaking prohibited, so we know what NOT to use in our compositions. And if not, then simply allow programs to make suggested words in substitute. And if none of that is an option, then simply push my message through, but **** out the words in which are prohibited. For crying out loud, this site puts a massive amount of effort into what's NOT wanted or needed, yet puts zero effort in what we REALLY want/need. Wake up!
I could go on and on with the endless issues...and potential solutions for many of them. 
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Rochblue vor 5 Tagen
an Rochblue : To close this rant, and for what it's worth, I do want to at least send my thanks to the site for switching the format back to it's former glory. I suppose the flood of complaints sent the message loud and clear...or maybe it was the immediate lack of traffic/views and/or of those who were closing accounts? Probably a combined mix of all of those elements that likely struck the company's wallet. 
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Rochblue vor 6 Tagen
Garbage! Why try to reinvent the wheel? There was nothing wrong with the old version! The new version flat out sucks all around! Your BIG changes are a massive downgrade! Whose brainy ideas were these?? Were there not any pre-tests before rolling out a launch? Not only does your site look awful, but it's not practical and it's lost a ton of it's main features in which I revolved my existence upon on here. Ugh, where do I even begin??
1 .) Your new design is far from "impressive"! I use a PC, so that means that my face is about a foot away from a 31" monitor, which I'm now being blinded by full screen videos, by default. That's the equivalent of sitting in the first row at a movie theatre. Genius move! SMH! The old version allowed for different screen sizes to be viewed, IF (and a BIG IF) I actually wanted to CHOOSE to watch a larger video size or full screen modes.
2 .) Your PM section is NOT an improvement! The full screen layout is so terribly horrible to navigate through and tough on the eyes with the lines of PM messages all clustered together, bulky clusters of favorite videos, trending videos, and video comment sections that you now need to additionally click an icon to see.
3.) What the hell happened to our personal profiles??? I came here with your "BIG improvent upgrade", only to be faced with astonishment, instant disappointment and a massive amount of frustration when I realized that my profile had been instantly purged of a description section that took very much time and effort to create. It's just completely gone...and for everyone. Like WHAT?!?!?? A profile is one of the most important features you can possibly have on a site where people are designed to be socializing with, interacting with and for those looking in the 'dating' section. Gone?? WHAT!?!?? WHY?? Omg, livid composing this! Profiles are a way to get a general idea of someone, determine basic compatibility measures, rules, expectations, what they might seek, who they are and if you meet any of their stuff BEFORE you go ahead and decide to contact or annoy someone, waste their time/effort n someone you aren't a match with. Unreal that it's gone! Worse yet, rude and inconsiderate to just delete profiles of millions of people who have invested plenty of time, effort and thought into detailed profiles for a VALID reason. Truly unreal! Thanks for letting us know, in advance! SMH!
4 .) Where did the blog "Post" section mysteriously go??? FFS! I have put countless hours of time, effort, research, editing and thought into many blog posts I've had up. Again, purged and gone in an instant and without notice. Geez, thanks XHamster!! Your "BIG changes" are nothing short of a catastrophic train wreck, downgrade and major disappointment for the vast majority of the folks here.
How does your site go from being one of the greatest amateur communities out there, to one of the worst sites in just several years?
shimmie vor 1 Jahr
Xhamster if you continue to fuck up your site even more then you already have done until now you might as well stop with Xhamster because all the fun is already gone!
shimmie vor 1 Jahr
an hinduboy : Must be the gestapo government of Mark Rutte. Netherlands is WEF playgarden. You Own Nothing and be happy sort of shit!
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LargeCrevasse1 vor 1 Jahr
There was no reason to make changes. !
Why is it I cannot seem to find the "Invite Friend" opion anywhere?
mirri28 vor 1 Jahr
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Daddyuseme95 vor 1 Jahr
an CLBC : Thanks a lot! That would be amazing. The Netherlands is getting crazy with this kind of stuff. Its getting to the point where we have to work through multiple popups just to get to a site. And it probably doesnt add any protection at all so its busy work. But again, great idea, thanks
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Parajanov vor 1 Jahr
When I freeze frame a video the Giant play button covers half the picture. How do I make it disappear once the video is paused??
Sarafanlord vor 1 Jahr
the new version is kinda shitty. After I go full screen I lose all buttons, after hitting escape button I lose time line and buttons on video + my cursor dissapears on the video screen... Is there a way to use the old version instead of this new one? I don't like the new one...
Rockon2002 vor 1 Jahr
an LickingLizard : Because single guys are automatically classified as gay on X hamster! Bin told by admin.  
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MrJean1 vor 1 Jahr
an CLBC : Sorry I have just a new laptop; what nonsense is this from first one of the best pornsites?!!!!!!!!!
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lovediver vor 1 Jahr
I get the commetn that the vids in my favorites are not avaiable in the netherlands but I am not located in the netherlands? 
CLBC vor 1 Jahr
an JohnSGP : Not available in The Netherlands has to do with a court ruling. Use a VPN, set location USA, and it works.
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CLBC vor 1 Jahr
an hinduboy : Not available in The Netherlands has to do with a court ruling. Use a VPN, set location USA, and it works.
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CLBC vor 1 Jahr
an unicronbot : Not available in The Netherlands has to do with a court ruling. Use a VPN, set location USA, and it works.
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CLBC vor 1 Jahr
an landmanj : Not available in The Netherlands has to do with a court ruling. Use a VPN, set location USA, and it works.
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CLBC vor 1 Jahr
an Daddyuseme95 : Not available in The Netherlands has to do with a court ruling. Use a VPN, set location USA, and it works.
Antworten Ursprünglicher Kommentar
CLBC vor 1 Jahr
Not available in The Netherlands has to do with a court ruling. Use a VPN, set location USA, and it works.
TitsSlappingFan vor 1 Jahr
What the fuck hamster? 
Daddyuseme95 vor 1 Jahr
an Angelus1961 : None taken i'm gay but this is faggy as shit
Antworten Ursprünglicher Kommentar
Daddyuseme95 vor 1 Jahr
I lost 90% of vids," not available in your country". Theeare people from my country, this sucks 
Hellendoorn vor 1 Jahr
more than half of my favorite videos are no longer available for NL. I'm sorry, I don't get it either...
gman4mf vor 1 Jahr
Most video's are marked "not available in your country" all of a sudden. Plz fix thit